Management and passing through Singularity

Who won the time, he won everything.


The West has always been cautiously belonging to the Soviet Union. At the end of World War II, America showed all the power of atomic potential, and the “comrades” could not beat this card. Except to pull the ace from the sleeve. The Stalinist jacket, however, turned out to be quite spacious – the trump card found on the island near Kamchatka lay on the table. The suit was called the "Mendeleev table", the map-"The new E-99 element".

A small piece of land quickly turned into an advanced research center with the sonorous name "hard labor-12". Near the laboratories erected in a couple of years, residential buildings, schools, hospitals, factories grew up. The best Soviet minds received an invitation to the new corner of the CPSU, where life was even redner, and the prospects were completely ala.

Soon, Kutorga-12 became almost a separate state, with its infrastructure, railway and port. Residents burned with the idea of ​​communism, followed the rules, listened to the authorities and worked for the good of their homeland, great and immense. Step by step chemists and physicists, more and closer to the safe, behind the door of which there was a large red button with the inscription “Do not press, I beg! Eisenhower ".

From research gradually proceeded to experiments. Stalin did not rush, knowing the explosive potential of the E-99, but Khrushchev replaced him to speed up the process, after conducting the first serious experiment. Realizing that they will shoot their own in the back, people in white robes did not dare to disobey the secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU. However, in ten years since the opening, they have not been able to curb a new element.

On October 26, 1955, a disaster occurred. Kutorga-12 shuddered from the explosion, the radiation broke out. Nobody survived. However, the Soviet Union did not stain in the colors of mourning – about the existence of the island, as well as about the studies conducted there, no one suspected. All traces were erased, all ends went to the bottom with the local cargo ship "Pearl". Moscow tried to get rid of evidence, and the secret experiments of the USSR turned into a myth.

On the day when the satellites of the Pentagon spotted the release of radiation in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, he became a reality. Fearing the repetition of the Chernobyl tragedy, the American government sent a small detachment for reconnaissance. His tasks did not include landing on hardware-12, and even more so-emergency landing. But after a strange flash, the helicopters fell, razing a small pier, and a couple of people survived from the reconnaissance group.

There was no bread-salt, like signs of life, on the island. Dilapidated houses, windows and doors clogged with boards, skewed roofs, time -battered flags and posters – no one was waiting for guests. For fifty -five years now I have not been waiting.

And thunder struck

Captain Nathaniel Renko was lucky – he fell near the crashed "turntable", escaped with a slight fright and a couple of scratches. But he himself believed that the situation was much worse – right before his eyes the corpse of the pilot expired, leaving behind only a small dusty trace. In a couple of seconds there was nothing left of the person. But this does not happen-some kind of nonsense! It was clearly not without damage to the brain, at least a severe concussion. Otherwise, how to explain hallucinations?

However, this turned out to be few, and the sick imagination decided to play a cruel joke with Renko. The path to the gathering point, about which the second survivor shouted to the radio, passed through night alleys and courtyards. In the current form, they evoked conflicting feelings even in the light of the sun, but under the moon … Silence and darkness were thickening around the captain, and even the lanterns, burning after so many years, did not save the situation.

The only light source in the first building was the old film projector. Funny film about bad Americans and the kindest Russians still spinning. Judging by the note left on the table, before this place was a passing point, hence all the arrivals began to go deep into the “hard labor-12”. The authorities asked not to detain scientists after a long road and tried to make the hall as comfortable as possible: bare walls, angular tables, several shabby posters, the symbolism of a sickle and a hammer on the walls. The bust of Stalin in the middle of the hall reminded: Big Brother monitors everything that is happening, and it is better not to escape from work.

Suddenly a translucent man appeared in one of the windows. He fought about glass, called for help, and then disappeared in the blink of an eye. I did not have time to run goosebumps on Renko’s skin, the next flash transferred him to the center of the fire. The building, a second ago, seemed abandoned and abandoned for a long time, was filled with dozens of people. Burning boards fell from the roof, the beams fell, the walls crackled. The hallucination seemed too real, the fire burned truly. The screams and moans of people who tried to save the comrades were not an illusion – all this happened here and now.

Sometimes it’s better not to interfere ..

… in the course of history.

In search of a way out, the captain ran into the room where the floor fell under the feet of the researcher. The military arrived in time for the rescue and, despite someone's cry: “Renko! Demichev cannot … ”, pulled out the scientist and laid it next to the pedestal of Stalin. At that very moment the light faded, and he returned back. Only now Koba’s head on the pedestal was replaced by a statue of a rescued researcher, and the walls were covered with fern.

Only a couple of hours later Nathaniel will understand that he has fallen into the past and, having done a good deed, forever changed the course of history. After a hundred and twenty minutes, Renko realizes that the jokes over time are fraught with consequences and it would be better to remain an outside observer than to intervene. The effect of the butterfly worked without fail.

The territory of the ghosts

Soon the captain finds out that there was no trace of his reality. Audio recordings and notes scattered on the floor and left in hidden places will talk about the causes and consequences of the disaster. The father of the family kept a diary, entering every significant event, like the birth of daughters, their disease, imprisonment in the room and frightening sounds from behind the door. The young student will tell about strange additives in the dining room and that his drawing by the bear went to the competition and, perhaps, will be used for the good of the Fatherland. One of the scientists thanks fate for the miraculous salvation of Professor Demichev and is sure that without him the Soviet Union would not achieve such successes. Someone mentions Professor Barisov and his death under strange circumstances, showing distrust of the authorities.

A whole picture is made of small pieces, and there are not so many light spots on it. If at first the documents found are more or less optimistic, then after a while hopelessness and fear are already read between the lines. Experiments with the E-99 conducted day and night, not caring about security. Experiments were set over children, not devoting to the details of either them or parents. Many complained about nausea, dizziness and weakness, but were afraid to admit.

In conditions of silence and growing hysteria, scientists continued their job. They found out that the found element is able to influence the time. Being a colossal source of energy, he theoretically could put teleportation into life, increase human capabilities. In the built tower, Singolarity tried to turn the clock back, in secret laboratories – to bring out a new type of soldier.

The practice ended in failure, Kutorga-12 stuck between October 26, 1955 and October 27, 2010. Constant leaps in time and radiation turned people into monsters, which neither scientists nor Soviet soldiers could overcome it. Renko witnesses the death of many of them. A brave researcher with a scar understands that there is no chance, and kills friends without leaving a cartridge for himself. The teacher is trying to save schoolchildren, hiding them under the desks, so that after half a century, cringed corpses are found under children's tables. The bride and groom, who were going to return to the great land on the day of the explosion, are hiding in the closet and never bring a vow of fidelity.

Here and there arising ghosts demonstrate the darkest sides of the human soul. Their images are multifaceted, their fate is inevitable. Visions are replaced by real paintings, and a creature, until recently stealing a baby from a crib, is pounced on Renko. The corpse at the bottom of the rusted ship slowly floats towards the captain, fixing empty eye sockets into the face of an uninvited guest. Shadows flicker behind their backs, strange monsters roam the streets and devour corpses, and the bodies of Soviet soldiers and modern paratroopers are planted on hooks and stakes crazy inhabitants.

Weapons of the proletariat

In order not to repeat the fate of the unfortunate, Nathaniel takes up the weapon. Storyg-12 constructors ahead of time and created a powerful arsenal in case of war with the Empire of Uncle Sam. For example, a well -aimed shot from a small centurion pistol will tear off the monster, arm or leg. Of course, the local fauna will not stop this, and the creature will continue to crawl even with torn limbs, but will soon die itself.

A powerful shotgun, a reduced copy of a six -barreled machine gun, a slaughter assault rifle with the sonorous name “Valkyrie” and a sniper rifle that can slow down is only half of what Renko will experience on its victims. Real pride and merit of scientists-weapons based on E-99. In attempts to collect a mini-transformer of the Apocalypse, three formidable arguments were born in favor of victory in the Cold War. The engineers borrowed one unit from the fraternity of the weavers – its bullets are controlled and fly along any trajectory. Another creation shoots with charged radiation with needles, which literally break their victims. Well, a hand grenade launcher is not distinguished by long -range, but the shell can be rolled throughout the level, until there is a good place for sabotage.

Shooting more often for self -defense than with a fright, Nathaniel is forced to look for drawings to improve weapons. There is no time for independent processing, so you have to contact the weapons cabinets in which the stocks of cartridges and the boundless possibilities are hidden. Immediately you can exchange a boring shotgun for a more useful car car or what is more powerful – to carry with you the entire Arsenal Renko is not accustomed and is limited to two “trunks”.

Unfortunately, not all of them are effective and will help to escape from the creatures of "hard labor-12". Some monsters temporarily become translucent and immortal, others can disappear at any moment in order to emerge a stranger behind a couple of seconds. The blinded scaders are guided by ear, and any noise will embitter them and make them attach to the whole flock.

Time does not heal

When the hope of salvation leaves Renko, he finds an MVP – a mobile temporary converter. The creation of Dr. Barisov, this tool controls second arrows and laws of nature. From now on, by clicking the fingers, enemies turn into ashes of time, and those who do not decay, tear themselves to pieces and yell from pain. The inhabitants of the island turned from the monsters freeze on the spot and cannot move until Nathaniel straightens with them. Even stone shelters will not be saved, scattering into dust in a second. And God forbid someone to be under the crane with a fuel or next to a fire-hazardous barrel-by pure chance, the contents will collapse down or simply explode.

The aging function works in the opposite direction. Pan stairs, crumpled boxes and broken audio recordings return to the pristine form, and strange inscriptions are manifested on the walls, long ago left by an invisible observer. “Change the past, change the future”, “And again you changed the past. And again we know only two of us " – who wrote this and why?

Renko is not limited to one pampering with time. He quickly learns to release a ball of energy stopping the clock within a small dome. Everything freezes, and even bullets, but not the one who started all this. For creatures, death will come unexpectedly, for the captain will pass for several minutes, for which he will defuse a couple of clips into their heads. Or maybe he will free a wave of indignation-the shock force of the E-99, destroying everyone who is nearby.

But that is not all. The temporary converter easily crosses out the gravity formula, allowing to throw cylinders with propane and nitrogen, lift containers and barrels with gasoline into the air. MVP works so regularly that Nathaniel even catches the released missiles and grenades on the fly, in order to send them to the opposite address in a second.

Like a weapon, this device needs improvements for which containers select from E-99. Energy is consumed very quickly, it is impossible to survive at the expense of new abilities alone, so you have to combine and obey tips from above.

Stay alive

In addition to Renko, three more people are Soviet soldiers and mutants on hardware-12-the same Dr. Demichev, who later seized power, Dr. Barisov, trying to return everything to his circles, and the girl Katherine, an employee of the secret organization MIR-12. A secret society is digging in the dirty laundry of the party in search of truth and fights with disinformation with all means. And if the motives of the professors are transparent, then the fighting girlfriend is in no hurry to gossip and flirt. She helps the captain in the fight against huge monsters and strange insects, distracts fire on himself and accompanies it during all large -scale events, be it the return of the sunken ship or the restoration of the bridge.

And what about Nathaniel? He has something that the inhabitants of Kutorgi-12 did not have, and this is not an MVP at all. The choice is what the captain possesses, and it is he who will decide the fate of the whole world. Too big swing? Not at all, because Raven Software got a gloomy and atmospheric story that Ray Bradbury described half a century ago.

Verdict: Atmospheric action movie, captivating to absolutely everyone – from a frightening situation to the smallest details of the plot.



Now that the thunder has died out, let's get acquainted with Singularity closer. In the review, we specially went around some places to make it interesting to play, discover something new and unusual, but now the time has come for details. We will tell you how to defeat enemies, how to use MVP, what weapons costs and what you still need to improve. But before-several parting words, without which the bitter life on hardware-12 will seem to be a real socialist hell.

  • One of the main rules of staying on the island is to carefully study every corner, even go into the darkest rooms and gateways, to rummage out nooks and cabinets. If a voice in a walkie -talkie pushes you to the left, go to the right to start. This is not at all an attempt to resist the system, just in such places various useful objects are hidden: first-aid kits, stimulants, cartridges, containers with E-99, formulas and drawings. Some lie on the upper shelves, and it is not so easy to reach, so turn on gravity and attract them to you. Also a lot of things are hidden in the boxes – do not pass by.
  • Sometimes these same boxes appear before Renko's clouded eyes in a very deplorable state. Restore them using MVP and use for its intended purpose – empty. If you came across a rumpled square box, pull it and look for a door closed by a role. Typically, the mechanism stucks a few centimeters from the floor, and the only way to raise it is to “age” the box, slip under the door and return his youth to him.
  • You can rejuvenate, however, some other objects, like stairs, small bridges, door locks and audio recordings. In no case do not miss the latter if you want to get used to Singularity and understand what happened on this damn island. Also, the found notes, sometimes indirectly warning about the threat and about where to wait for it to wait.
  • Use the environment to the maximum. You see ahead of the barrels with fuel and the cylinders with propane? Remember where they lie, lure the enemy and either burn it, or freeze it. You can even take something with you, if only to become a victim and not turn into a running torch or ice, which only a powerful pulse of MVP will break through.
  • By the way, about him – do not forget to improve abilities, as well as weapons. Of course, we will talk about this in more detail below, but remember now: the better Renko is prepared, the more chances to break through the enemy defenses the first time and not return to the control point.
  • Never stay in one place longer than five seconds. Many opponents are very fast and in a blink will be next to you to break into shreds. The more you move – running and jumping, the less chance you leave them. Sometimes it’s better to get a few circles around the monument or bench, but to maintain the remaining health and not use the first -aid kit, which are already in short supply.
  • Despite the high risk, it is better to bandage the wounds on the battlefield, not in the corner, but right in front of the monsters. It is unlikely that this will drive them into a stupor – on the contrary, they will fly on a exhausted enemy with the whole flock. But you will also get the opportunity to follow them and evade attacks, but sitting behind a box or concrete slab, you can scrape a taned mutant.
  • Try to conduct targeted fire and shoot mainly to the head. With rare exceptions, this will provide an imminent victory, because most of the accidents "hard labor-12" were once people.


A significant argument in the fight against any enemy is a good weapon. Soviet design engineers paired with scientists gathered many good “arguments”, gave them to soldiers and sent to suppress the consequences of the disaster on the island near Kamchatka. Most fell the death of the brave, the rest turned into what they came to fight with.

Removing trophies from bodies is not looting, but an attempt to survive. And if Captain Nathaniel Renko could take more than two trunks with him, he would definitely do it. But he, unfortunately, is not so strong, and depriving himself of maneuverability and dexterity in such conditions is not the best idea.

Now we will talk about every type of weapon, about its pluses and minuses and try to understand which pair is worth carrying with you and improve.

The latter is made in numerous weapons cabinets after finding the drawings. You can improve three parameters – the reloading speed (not on the run), a spacious clip and power. Each line improves twice, so that the output is something very slaughter, fast and accurate.


A weighty revolver that is least reminiscent of the classics of the genre. Yes, what is there, the “centurion” is much more like “Tula Tokarev” and Makarov’s pistol than the drum trunk. He lies well in his hand and shoots with explosive cartridges, tearing off the limbs to some opponents. Of course, you can’t say it to a special forces, but on a simple Soviet guy or what he became after the release of radiation is quite.

Despite the rather high slaughter power, the “centurion” becomes almost useless in a couple of hours. Its main minus is a small ammunition, which is enough only on three or four enemies. The maximum distance also disappeared – it is useless to shoot ten meters further than ten meters. Well, the return is simply impresses with power, and the rate of fire is weak.

"Centurion"-a choice for the first time, before the appearance of something is more serious. If you are friends with the eye and know how to aim correctly without consuming extra cartridges, feel free to use it. Just let the victim better, so that for sure.

AR9 "Valkyrie"

This assault rifle will become your faithful companion to the victorious end. Do not part with her, no matter what prospects loom on the horizon. Believe me, AR9 Valkyrie combines all the best qualities: it is extremely powerful, its firing range is high, and the store rarely remains empty – most soldiers use this particular rifle, so they can be taken away from cartridges. In the end, the nickname "Choosing Stalin" this miracle received for a reason.

The scatter of bullets is minimal, which makes AR9 the main argument in battle both at distant and at nearby distances. In addition, it is equipped with a comfortable sight, thanks to which only one or two shots are enough to remove the enemy.

The only significant minus is the low reloading speed (only a car carrier), but this is easily fixable with the necessary improvement.

C4 "Wolf"

Self -loading shotgun, very effective at close distances. One volley is enough (you can’t call it with a shot) so that the officer is left without a hand or leg, and a terrible creature whisper and rushed off. In addition, the recharge function is put on the machine.

There are also enough disadvantages. The name “shotgun” itself implies that a long -range battle is not provided – a tremendous scatter and low accuracy simply will not leave you a chance in a duel with a sniper. There are few cartridges in stock, and this is another minus. In addition, go still find them.

So what a bowl with scales outweighs is positive and negative? There is no answer. This shotgun can be left with you at least until the last battle, or you can throw it away after the first sample – the choice is yours. But we would advise you to take it as a second weapon after the AR9 "Valkyrie". In any case, until a sniper rifle or auto gun appears.


One of the first unique creations of Soviet designers, which will fall into our hands. The main feature of this sniper rifle is the slowdown in the sight. We don’t know who this Kasimov was, but he achieved his own – not a single enemy will leave his brainchild.

START is so effective that one hit is enough to break into pieces of any enemy, whether it be an ordinary person or a terrible monster. And you will consider the process until the smallest details.

Unfortunately, this beauty does not differ in rate of fire and impressive ammunition. Moreover, it does not allow to shoot with squat – only you look at the sight, how Renko will stand up at his full height and he will become a beautiful target. Conclusion? Pick up when there is no better solution or holding a profitable position.


As soon as you find this reduced analogue of the Gatling machine gun – throw out C4 "Wolf" and START KASIMOV to the damn mother! The car, of course, is not as killer as the senior comrades in the workshop, but six hundred rounds are placed in it, and the rotating block of trunks provides a huge shooting speed. Before the attack, it would be nice to promote the drum so as not to lose precious seconds. To do this, just periodically press the left mouse button, and at the crucial moment – click it.

Such a slaughter unit is good mainly at close distances-due to a large scatter. However, if a whole crowd gathered in front of you and it is difficult to miss, without hesitation, turn the lead hail to the enemy. It is much worse that then you still need to recharge, but with this really serious problems – it takes a lot of time. But it doesn’t matter, correct this with an appropriate improvement, and everything will pass as a clock.


Gauss gun shooting fragmentary needles. Before the shot, it is necessary to charge the shell with E-99 energy. It is not necessary to shoot in the body, you can in the wall next door or a barrel of combustible – the result will be the same.

Typically, to get rid of the enemy, one needle is enough, but there are too few of them in stock to keep the defense for a long time. In addition, the speed of shooting is extremely small. Remember Railgun from Quake 3? Here is about the same. But there were no problems with the clip.

Weapons are more than interesting, but useless. So try it a couple of times and throw it out.


A grenade launcher with fragmentation grenades based on the E-99 is an extremely powerful and dangerous weapon. And if everyone can launch a shell towards opponents, then take control of it and ride the stairs and corridors is a task for lovers of novelty sensations. It is enough to bring the sight, “spit” the bomb and, holding both the rodent buttons, bring it to the goal. Remove your hands from the mouse, and – boom!

It sounds great, looks too, but the benefits are not enough. A detector is good in order to hide in a corner or in shelter, throw a grenade forward, wait for a crowd of enemies and arrange a truly warm meeting for them. In open battle, you will not stretch for a long time, because the weapon does not have a monitor and you need to follow the shell on your own. There is a very big risk of getting a hundred bullets in the forehead before you deliver a “surprise” to the place.

The only successful place for the field tests of the detecteum is the ship "Pearl". In all other cases, we advise you to refrain.


The first of the pair of guns that Renko picks up additionally, without getting rid of the previous two. "Hunter" shoots controlled bullets on the basis of E-99. In principle, even if you do not want to control them, they will still explode the victim, tearing it off everything that comes off. But personally to lead the flight is still more pleasant. In addition, the charge can be set completely any trajectory, send it at least around the corner, at least to the basement. Refrain only from shooting between the railing and gratings – even if everything seems to be in order and the cartridge must fly … He, the infection, detonates the approach.

But ammunition is usually a little. Everything is designed for the "one shot – one corpse". And the "hunter" itself appears extremely rarely and before serious fights. If you notice it on the floor, and a clean field is ahead – you know, now it will be filled with an evil locust in Soviet uniform.


Rocket launcher shooting fragmentation and fluent shells. Perhaps, even the “hunter” is superior in power, it only occurs very rarely. Although no more is needed. There is enough that scene on the bridge closer to the final, when on the one hand you are opposed by the army of tree -like monsters, on the other, “advice” with sniper rifles and own missiles at the ready.

Like the "hunter", radar-7-additional weapons, they do not need to replace anything. However, do not scroll through the mouse wheel, otherwise the rocket launcher will fall to the ground, and you will learn about it only after a few minutes.


MVP endowed Renko with numerous abilities, not subject to an ordinary person. A small manual device has huge potential and improves in addition. The mobile temporary converter takes on the most pleusions after passing the amplifiers, and the modernizers scattered through the hardware-12 increase not only its power, but also the body of Nathaniel. For money, of course. More precisely, for the E-99 resources stored in small containers.

Improvements are divided into three categories:

  • Equipment MVP. There is one cell on the device (over time you can put a few more) where the purchased equipment is placed. The most useful of all found is to increase the accuracy of shooting from all types of weapons and regeneration of a quarter of health after leaving the battle (it itself is usually not restored – only with the help of stimulants and first -aid kits).
  • Abilities for MVP. Improving the converter – strengthening the impulse, increasing the duration and radius of freezing. We will talk about these functions a little lower, but immediately warn: feel free to buy this three and do not even think to save, otherwise you will not survive before the finals.
  • Capabilities. Renko also needs to be improved. Constant running from monsters, of course, holds it in good shape, but this is not enough. For considerable amounts, you will be offered to increase the reserves of health and energy of MVP, reduce damage at near and distant distances, add cells for first -aid kits, accelerate running, spending oxygen under water and in gas masks longer, etc.p. Everything is good here, so select for your style of play. But pay attention to the most air delay – at first glance, the purchase is useless, but soon you will get to the level with poisonous gas, and then the ship slowly leaving under the water. There, without good lungs, do not survive.


We will start with the most useless, in our opinion, functions of MVP. By clicking the button, the converter scans the area and indicates where to go. Not an arrow on a compass and not even a female voice from a headphone, but traces on the floor. Only in the end we will find out who belonged to these prints, but there is no need to use them anyway. Most of the time we are led along a given plus-minus route a neighboring room or building.


At first, Renko beats careless opponents who got too close, with a knife. His blow is exclusively one and rather wooden. In addition, it is difficult to get into the head or neck, and you have to refine before the appearance of a gun.

But MVP automatically replaces the knife with a powerful E-99 energy impulse. At first, the wave throws the enemies to the side, only occasionally causing damage to them so serious that they do not stand up. But if this opportunity to improve, then screaming soldiers will break directly into pieces.

The impulse has one more useful property. When the monsters enter the invisibility mode and become omnipotent, they can be returned to Earth with a powerful emission of energy. Guess which one.

Well, one more tactical moment: as soon as the need to bandage the wounds, and the enemies will push, push them away and calmly do your business. You can even shoot while they are lying on the ground, thinking that it was.

Moving in time

For which we so loved the mobile transformer of time – it is able to aging or rejuvenate almost any object and absolutely any creature. With boxes, stairs, safe, audio recordings and other equipment, everything is clear – they either destroy or come to the same look. The energy almost does not go to this, so you can mock the furniture endlessly. But not everything is so smooth with opponents, so we’ll talk briefly about their reaction to time.

  • Soldiers get old to death and even more. They gradually decay, and sometimes in parts. For example, first they lose their right leg and left hand, and only then other parts of the body. Yell wildly, but once subject them to this mockery – and you can forget about the danger.
  • Ziki – creatures in which special forces turned. Due to the fact that they all the time jumped between the two dates, they cannot be incinerated. But to stop it completely, the MVP makes them freeze for a while. A few seconds are enough for shooting or dressing – who is more important.

On Fat Zikov This does not spread.

  • Sexs – damn stupid insects from which it is difficult to fight back. Time does not aged them, but tunes against the counterparts, after which the creatures are self -destructive.
  • The mutant is ordinary (come across at the beginning and at the end of the game) begins to tear himself to pieces after exposure to the converter. The spectacle is not for the faint of heart.
  • The mutant is unusual (it meets twice for all the time) I wanted to spit on MVP and its little things.
  • Radio (tree -like creatures) are completely in solidarity with the previous enemy.
  • Returners – blind, but well -hearing freaks. It is better to bypass them, because MVP only makes them even more aggressive.

After one of the amplifiers, Renko will learn to turn the soldier into these creatures. It is better to do this in crowded places to sow panic in the enemy ranks. True, often they all die before they understand what happened.


Like Gordon's gravipushka, MVP can attract objects, and then throw them in different directions. The perfect solution is to drag a barrel with a fuel, a container with an E-99, a cylinder with propane or nitrogen and go in search of adventure. The main thing is not to go away by accident.

But the benefits of gravity are not so much in this as in fishing grenades and shells on the fly. If a lemon is thrown into you, do not run – raise it and return to the offender. And in time the caught rocket can be demolished by a whole enemy regiment. And, most pleasant, under the influence of MVP, the fuse does not work, so you even have time to aim.


One of the amplifiers will endow Nathaniel with the ability to stop time for a short time within a small energy dome. Well, only at first “not for long” and “small” – improvements are changing.

It is best to use frosts with large opponents accumulates to slow down and carefully kill them. The monsters themselves are torn inside the trap, if you stand behind it or in the middle, and this is a sin not to use it. You can even direct energy towards yourself, becoming a bait. The risk will pay off with more than.

But try not to shoot through the "cocoon" at those who are behind him. While the bullets are flying, enemies can already change their position.


Now that we have dealt with all the methods of mass destruction, we can discuss in detail those to whom they will be directed. Knotiary "hard labor-12" is largely unique, so there is definitely something to talk about.

The mutant is ordinary

The developers did not come up with names to these creatures, so we will call them so. These creatures will be the first to be happy with your party tour. They are exorbitantly tall and rather slow. In any case, until they get closer. It was then that all their hidden potential is activated-long-distance jumping, lightning-fast reaction, rapid blows of claws and attempts to break the throat.

For a quick victory, it is necessary to demolish their head. No, you can also shoot cartridges in a rotten carcass, but at first you will have to do with a gun and meager ammunition, which means you need to aim. Later, with the advent of a sniper rifle and Valkyrie, it will be easy to cope with the monsters, and with a shotgun is even easier, because they like to attack from close range.

Keep in mind that to tear them some part of the body does not mean killing. These are not people who can die from pain shock – mutants crawl on the floor without legs and still try to grab you, even for the heel. So do not be surprised if the health scale suddenly crawls down, and from somewhere below, champing sounds will come.


The second type of opponents you will meet. Ziki is the former soldiers of the Soviet Army and special forces. They are extremely strong, quick and dexterous, overcomes several meters into one jump, climb the walls, climb on furniture and can hit from any time at any time. They like to appear spectacularly and immediately in a crowd, so if you let at least one to you, you can forget about the victory. Unless throw them with an impulse.

The main skill of the Zikiks is to become invisible and invincible. No matter how much you shoot at them in this state – no use, not a single bullet will find a goal. A good way to return them back is an E-99 energy wave, but even the best is a cylinder with liquid propane, which will freeze them. Well, then you need only one shot.

It is best to shoot these mutants in the head or breasts, and preferably from C4 “Wolf”, Ar9 “Valkyrie” or Auto Bugs.


Subspecies Zikov, twice as many of his relatives. This pile of lard almost never climbs into battle, preferring to call for assistants. This is the problem-sometimes there are too many of them, and while you are struggling with only, the following arrives on the revenue. In fact, a vicious circle. But there is a way out of it – shoot one by one in a “trifle”, then in the leader or even forget about the younger creatures, focusing on the local “shaman”. As soon as you kill him, you can get rid of the rest.

It is best to use a car car or “Valkyrie” – it is not so much damage as the rate of fire is important here, and they have the best.

The mutant is unusual

The unauthorized experiments of scientists “hard labor-12” led to the appearance of this creature, which you will meet twice for the game. She is insanely strong and enchanted and after each attack disappears, so that after a while it will appear behind you or jump onto your head.

The main recipe for victory is more often looking around. As soon as you notice the mutant, activate the frost – he will run into the cocoon, slow down, and it will be possible to shoot him. However, unlike everyone else, this bastard can still move under the dome and sooner or later will try to escape.

During the first battle, the exit will be the cylinders with nitrogen that will freeze it. Throughout the second – an enhanced impulse.

Super Soldate

During the experiments on the creation of a “universal soldier”, this rather big creature was born. It is strong and can evaporate at any time, but it will never appear behind you. The attacks of the monsters come down to the blows of a huge sledgehammer and shots of barrels with fuel.

Both can be turned against him. In the first case, just step aside – a slow boob with all its strength will drive weapons into the ground, where it will successfully get stuck. In the second – the barrel can be caught using gravity and thrown back. Volleyball will not succeed, the mutant does not know how to play.

And now the most important thing is that you need to aim at all, but in the areas of the body, illuminated by turquoise color. At first this is a heart, then a head and, finally, the back. In addition to barrels, the Valkyrie works well, you can spit everything else.


The most annoying and harmful enemies, usually taking. Sexs are trying to get closer to self -destruct and spray you with a strange orange liquid. At the same time, they literally can fall off the ceiling – there is nothing impossible for these insects.

To defeat them, keep the distance, shoot at everything that moves when you pass through their territory, or even better activate the time to take up the flock for one particularly powerful bug.

Sexs often climb from sewage and ventilation, but even more often – from cocoons hanging on the walls and under the ceiling. Having shot them, you will release the creature for freedom, but if you return to the past, then get rid of Dokuka. Perhaps this is the most effective method not to lose in a fight – simply to prevent it.


The leader of the "little troubles" size from about a nine -story house. Respectively, there are even more problems with her. You have to keep the defense on the roof of the train falling into the abyss, and at first it seems that everything is very bad – everywhere cartridges and first -aid kits in such an amount is not like a chance.

Do not enter this provocation. Even at a severe level of complexity of special difficulties should not arise. All that needs to be done is to evade the Queen's paws and shoot reddish ledges on her body in time. If you played Lost Planet, it will be easier – you will immediately understand what's what. As soon as the Bug "Godzilla" intends to grab, shoot it in the mouth.


More creatures that do not have a Russian name, only English – Radions. Similar to rebellious bushes of creatures are huge and extremely stupid, shoot something like a natural laser. Very powerful, it should be noted. So that the fourth hit can no longer survive.

It is best to hide behind the wall or other decent shelter and arrange either a “hunter”, or radar-7, or a detectoromet. Only these guns will help you, everything else, even an unforgettable Valkyrie, is a useless waste of time and cartridges.


The most fierce monsters. They are blind and do not see anything, but they hear everything perfectly. One sloppy step, and all – the attack in the form of radioactive vomiting do not survive. Of course, you can try to bypass them, but you will have to move at a speed of two to three meters per minute, which is not at all happy.

Better to go the other way. Arm with the most powerful of the stored, choose a convenient position, gain a foothold and shoot at any point – the returners themselves will find you themselves (there are two meetings – in the sewer and on the “Pearl” ship). The rest is a matter of technology.

Another good technique requires attentiveness. Sometimes the creatures are knee -deep in water, and a jamming device hangs on the wall. Pull the cursor on it, return to the normal appearance – the puddle is electrified, having killed all living things and not very.

Hello to the world!

The developers did not miss the case of throwing us "Easterns", which we will tell you about now.

  • Almost at the very end of the game, Renko activates the last MVP amplifier. Not only does it reproach an orange-colored device into turquoise (Hello, Half-Life 2!), so there is also a ventilation grill in the room. With the help of an enhanced pulse, it can be knocked out, climbed inside and after a couple of seconds to be in a narrow room, where there is no furniture and only a frozen wheel sticks out of the wall. This is nothing more than a link to the series “Lost” (LOST), where in the last series of the fourth season Ben spins this wheel to hide the island.
  • When walking around the school, you can find a note of a little boy who painted a bear in a collar. His drawing went to the competition, but the further fate of creativity was unknown. In any case, to the credits in which the bear is drawn on a wrapper from under the ice cream.
  • That's what we were not waiting for references, so it is Borat-a very controversial, but funny film by Sasha Baron-Koen. One of the diaries says: “My neighbor is pain in my poor Galava. I scarecrow everything from the bear, he also do everything from the bear. I get canned food, he also get canned food. I collect E-99 technologies … He did not accumulate. Joyful!"
  • Temporary waves, periodically covering “hard labor-12”, arrived straight from the film “Thunder”, the film adaptation of the same story by Ray Bradbury.
  • During the entire stay on the island, Nathaniel Renko pronounces only one phrase: “Renko, wait! Demichev cannot … ”Where and when he says this, you will find out at the very end. Well, or at the beginning, if you are attentive.

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