The more words the child hears in the first three years of life, the more successfully he develops in the future. So, it
is worth more often to include podcasts about business and science? It is not that simple. The pediatrician tells how to create optimal conditions for communication.
The real discovery of the turn of the century was the study of age psychologists from the University of Kansas (USA) Betty Hart and Todd Rishri that they predetermine the achievements of a person not innate abilities, not the economic situation of the family, not the race, but the number of words that are addressed to himsurrounding in the first years of life 1 .
Seting the child in front of the TV or turning on for several hours an audiobook is useless: communication with adults is of fundamental importance.
Of course, saying “stop” thirty million times, we will not help the child grow up smart, productive and emotionally stable adult. It is important that this communication is meaningful, and speech is complex and diverse.
Without interaction with others, the ability to learn weakens. “Unlike a jug that will store everything that you will pour into it, the brain is more like a sieve without feedback,” says Dana Saskind. “The language cannot be learned passively, but only with the help of a response (preferably positive) reaction of others and social interaction”.
Dr. Saskind summarized the latest research in the field of early development and developed a program of communication between parents and children, which will contribute to the best development of children’s brain. Its strategy consists of three principles: tune in a child, more often communicate with him, develop a dialogue.
Setting up for a child
We are talking about the conscious desire of the parent to notice everything that is interested in the baby, and talk to him on this topic. In other words, you have to look in the same direction as the child.
Show attention to his classes. For example, an adult, full of good intentions, sits on the floor with a child’s favorite book and invites him to listen. But the child does not react, continuing to build a tower from cubes scattered on the floor. Parents call again: “Come here, sit down. Look, what an interesting book. Now I read you “.
Everything seems to be fine, yes? Loving adult, book. What else does a child need? Perhaps only one thing: the attention of parents to the lesson, which the child himself is currently interested in.
Tuning to a child means to carefully treat what he is doing and join his activities. This strengthens contact and helps improve skills involved in the game, and through speech interaction – to develop its brain.